Tangany Joins Polymath Service Provider Ecosystem P1F

Written by Polymath | Feb 11, 2021 2:10:54 AM
“Securely digitizing assets through tokenization requires a strong ecosystem of industry specialists, and by teaming up with Polymath we strengthen that ecosystem in the EU,” said Martin Kreitmair, CEO of Tangany. “Joining forces with tokenization providers like Polymath allows us to bring the full power of sophisticated technology and regulatory compliance to users.”

Germany-based Tangany provides reliable custody solutions for the tokenization of digital assets on the blockchain and works with companies across the EU seeking to adopt the technology. The company, which has more than 60,000 wallets under custody, is supervised by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a crypto custody provider pursuant to Section 64y of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz).

Tangany’s white-label custody product can be fully customized and enables users to easily and safely manage tokens. Its warm wallet solution includes features such as custody and transaction sending, and uses modern HSM-security architecture certified by FIPS140-2, the US governmental and banking standard. For users looking to develop their own custody solution, Tangany provides a powerful API.

The Polymath Service Provider Ecosystem brings together custody agents, broker-dealers, legal firms, cap table management providers, KYC/AML providers, and others who can help users create and manage their token.

As part of joining the ecosystem, Tangany now supports the ERC 1400 standard. Spearheaded by Polymath, ERC 1400 has been widely adopted in the industry and provides a consistent framework to unite market participants. As a result, ERC 1400 tokens can onboard to Tangany quickly and compliantly, without additional technical due diligence.

“Custody is a vital part of the digital asset environment, so Polymath considers collaborating with the leading digital asset custody solution providers central to our success,” said Greg Murphy, Director, Enterprise Development at Polymath. “By forging these connections, we bring experts and technology together in a way that helps users solve business problems and begin taking advantage of what tokenization and blockchain can offer.”

About Tangany GmbH

Tangany is a Germany-based company that provides white-labeled custody for digital assets on blockchain since 2018. The company offers warm and cold wallet solutions for business customers in Europe and worldwide.

About Polymath

Polymath makes it easy to create, issue, and manage tokens on the blockchain. More than 200 tokens have been deployed using our Ethereum-based solution and we are now in the midst of launching Polymesh, an institutional-grade blockchain built specifically for regulated assets. It streamlines antiquated processes and opens the door to new financial instruments by solving the inherent challenges with public infrastructure around identity, compliance, confidentiality, and governance.


Watch this 2-minute demo to see the process of issuing a token on our new purpose-built blockchain, Polymesh, in action, or visit https://polymath.network to learn more.